February 7, 2025
New facility assisting with mental health management in La Crosse | News

Tellurian Behavioral Health is an innovative and urgently needed alternative for mental health crisis management.

LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) – A new resource for people experiencing mental health problems will be coming to La Crosse.

Tellurian Behavioral Health is an innovative and urgently needed alternative for mental health crisis management.

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The eight bed facility at 1720 Jackson Street offers a non-hospital, living room style environment, where adults experiencing mental health crises are able to receive care and supervision without going to a hospital or law enforcement center.

“This is part of a model that has been proven effective across other parts of the country and Wisconsin is bringing that here,” Tim Blumentritt, La Crosse Social Services Director with Tellurian said.

Tellurian already has a facility on La Crosse’s South Side. Blumentritt said that facility has a rich history of assisting people. This facility will add to that history.

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“Being in the City of La Crosse definitely makes this an accessible service for those who need it,” Blumentritt said. “Similar to a library and a hospital, people have to be able to get to the services in order to benefit.”

The La Crosse Community Foundation gave the facility a $50,000 grant, hoping this will help fill the gap for mental health crisis management in the area.

“A program like this that Tellurian is bringing here to La Crosse is really a win-win-win. For all involved,” Jamie Schloegel, CEO of the La Crosse Community Foundation said. “It’s what’s best for the community. It’s what’s best for tax payers, in terms of the cost for the services. Most importantly, it’s what’s best for the individuals who need the support from organizations like Tellurian when they’re experiencing mental health crises.”

For Lance, who has experienced mental health problems firsthand, he says he hopes others can experience what he did.

“There were so many positive things that happened to me when I spent time at the care center with Tellurian,” he said. “The best word I could come up with was compassion. I felt like I was safe. I was at a place where I could get services and receive help. I saw something amazing when I was there last summer. One of the clients was there having a rough day and all the other clients got a blanket and sat around her in a circle to listen to her. To support her. I’ll take that with her the rest of my life.”

Tellurian Behavioral Health is based in Madison and has served the La Crosse region since 2010. They have already provided mental health crisis services to more than 225 people each year.

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